Grant Applications & Funding

At Izzy, we understand that grants and funding are a necessity to provide services to your clients. For that reason, we want to provide your organization with the tools to find and secure funding.

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We have developed a set of answers to frequently asked questions that may appear on some grant applications. They are for you to utilize in order to gain grant funding to operate a help line software.

Website Address:
Physical Address: Unit #A24, 6120 2 St SE, Calgary, AB T2H 2L8
Phone Number: 403-265-5454 ext.225

Izzy is a Help Line software that enables nonprofit organizations to help more people when they need it. The platform offers support through many channels on a single dashboard. It connects the organization with clients in a meaningful and impactful way, with the ability to deliver services to vulnerable populations. Izzy has a positive impact on communities by growing volunteer teams and expanding reach.

Multiple Fragmented Systems - When receiving calls from clients, logging the calls and receiving the calls requires different systems. Izzy provides organizations with the opportunity for the entire program to be operated through a single dashboard. This increases efficiency and lowers the time and cost of administrative support.

Operational Issues - Izzy eliminates the need for managers to manually schedule or manage shifts. This allows for lower administrative costs.

Manual Ticket Logs - Call information is reported on ticket logs. Izzy eliminates the need for ticket logs to be filled out manually, by providing the ticket immediately upon ending contact with a client. Data that is filled out immediately after a call lowers the potential for data to be lost, and improves accuracy on the information logged. It is crucial to avoid losing call data in order to provide accurate information for reports for funders, stakeholders and decision makers.

Third-Party Call Centres - Izzy eliminates the need for a third-party call centre by providing a single dashboard that patches calls automatically to scheduled volunteers. A third-party call centre adds costs to operations, as well as increases administrative time necessary to provide schedules to call centres.

What is the impact or community benefit of your agency programs and services?
With Izzy Platform, organizations can grow their volunteer teams and reach more vulnerable people. This will allow for greater impact on communities by offering support and resources to contacts. It also provides the opportunity for organizations to expand their reach to users of the help lines by removing barriers. The Izzy Platform is continuously improving the platform for community benefit based on the unique needs of the organization.

Who will benefit from this project and how will they benefit?
Users of Help Lines will benefit from this project through being able to connect to individuals who care, are willing to listen and make a difference. They will benefit from these connections by having the opportunity to access support, resources and referrals to access services that will continue to support their own concerns, mental health issues and trauma.

How are we building mental health capacity and awareness?
Izzy supports non-profits in expanding reach to clients experiencing mental health issues. Through the Help Line, contacts are able to access connections one-on-one for support.

How are community members being involved?
Community members can be involved in these projects through volunteerism. Izzy can increase reach to volunteers through providing a consolidated experience that handles many communication outlets, as well as provides a Mobile App for volunteer use.

How will you ensure your project is accessible to its participants, and the broader public?
Through utilizing Izzy, organizations will be able to increase volunteerism. Volunteers can be trained on platform use in a short period of time, allowing for more time to be spent helping users. Izzy provides a consolidated experience, allowing volunteers to learn how to use one single platform.

What are the intended outcomes to be achieved through community collaboration?
Izzy products are designed to allow nonprofits to help more people in need through breaking down barriers for client accessibility, improve efficiencies and improve quality of service for clients. Izzy aims to help nonprofits build capacity through technology.

What benefits are provided by using this technology?
Izzy provides organizations with benefits of using its software, such as increasing capacity. The platform can increase volunteer capacity through its ability to offer volunteer opportunities remotely. The technology can seamlessly handly remote or in-house workforces via cell phones, call centers or office spaces. The increased flexibility is important in order to adapt to any adjustments necessary, in order to provide the Help Line for clients that need it at any time.

What are the identified partnerships and/or collaborations specific to the project and how will they help support it? Please provide detail on the relationships with other partners and how they will be involved in the project’s design, delivery, follow up, etc.
Upon launching the Izzy platform, staff will support the organization in order to plan delivery methods and follow up. The platform will be customized to meet the needs of the organization. [Insert customization/Organizational needs].

How will Izzy support their clients?

Inquiry Severity Serious/Critical Moderate/Minor
Initial Response < 8 business hours < 16 business hours
Commencement of Work < 8 business hours No timeframe guarantee

How will the community collaborate to determine if the intended outcomes were achieved?
The organization can access extensive reports through Izzy in regard to client activity, demographics and other data. The data is filtered through a built-in process that is customized for each organization’s unique needs. The data generated can be exported to Excel for further customization and reporting purposes.

An electronic system is in place to collect, monitor, and report volunteer information (e.g. profiles, skills), engagement (e.g. hours), and training to maximize volunteer engagement and enhance service delivery.
An electronic system is provided on a single platform by Izzy for supervisors to access, collect, monitor and report volunteer engagement, and training. Supervisors have access to all volunteer information necessary, including adding and editing profiles, and accessing volunteer hours and schedules. The single platform provided by Izzy for volunteer and staff use allows for increased efficiency and volunteer engagement.

How will you measure and evaluate your success: For each result you selected provide details about how you will gather, analyze, and report on information about what will be achieved by this program. This may include surveys, tracking participants, interviews, etc.
Izzy provides comprehensive demographic and user information. This information is gathered during conversations with clients. Caller information can be consolidated and accessed through reporting features built into the platform. The information gathered from the platform can be customized to gather any information needed for funding and reporting purposes.
The platform and staff also provides support to organizations throughout their experience with the platform. Izzy has developed surveys that can be distributed to volunteers and staff for feedback on their experiences with the platform.

Electronic Volunteer Management System
Izzy provides training support for the organization's supervisors and all volunteers, staff and other users. The training takes up to 1 hours for supervisors, and 30 minutes for all other users. The training is completed online and can be done with the support of Izzy staff and the organization's staff.

How will the organization manage volunteers electronically?
Supervisors are able to manage volunteers electronically through the same platform. Izzy provides supervisors with the management abilities to access and change volunteer schedules, view call reports, manage and add users. The management access allows supervisors to manage volunteers remotely. staff and the organization's staff.

Will your project develop any tools or resources? How will they benefit other communities, organizations, or individuals?
Izzy will provide organizations with a resource directory for volunteer and staff use. The platform provides the ability to pull from a public directory, or customize the directory to the organization. These resources will provide clients with the information and referrals they require to support themselves and get the help they require. The resources will include information and geolocation to ensure services that are accessible locally to clients.

Letter of Support
If your agency would like to request a letter of support from Izzy, please Contact Us

Reviews, Testimonials and Case Studies
If the grant your agency is applying for requests reviews or testimonials from current users of the software, please contact us.
Case studies of Izzy’s impact have been completed, and can be provided upon request.

Izzy understands that funding is a necessity to provide services to your clients. In order to support you, we will provide you with a Letter of Support to add to your grant application.

Contact us to request a Letter of Support

Click here to download a sample Letter of Support.